JEWELS’ JOY® è un giovane marchio di bijoux ed accessori 100% Made in Italy. Ogni articolo si presenta differente dall’altro per l’autenticità dei materiali unita alla lavorazione a mano di maestri artigiani che collaborano, da anni, con le migliori firme dell’alta moda nazionale. Dall’incontro tra stili orientali e moderno design, prendono forma le diverse collezioni Jewels’ Joy®, con pietre incorniciate da fulminei bagliori di cristalli, preziosi e moderni cammei, smalti e macramè per una donna giovane, moderna e di classe. Jewels’ Joy ®, accostando gemme e fiori, ha racchiuso fresche note di viola nella sua prima collezione di bijoux ispirati a quel fiore tanto amato dalla Duchessa Maria Luigia, unitamente al suo intramontabile Eau de parfum Violetta di Parma Jewels’ Joy. Last but not least, la nuovissima “Men Cameo collection”: gemelli e bracciali dal taglio maschile impreziositi da moderni cammei declinati in diversi colori e declinati in diverse aree tematiche che spaziano dallo sport agli hobbies e tempo libero.
JEWELS’ JOY: BEAUTY HAS ITS OWN STYLE JEWELS ’JOY® is a 100% Made in Italy young brand of bijoux and accessories. Each item is different from the other due to the authenticity of the materials combined with the handwork of master craftsmen who have been collaborating, for years, with the best names in national high fashion. The different Jewels' Joy® collections are originated from oriental styles and modern design, with stones framed by lightning flashes of crystals, precious and modern cameos, enamels and macramé for a young, modern and fashionable woman. Jewels 'Joy ®, combining gems and flowers, has enclosed fresh notes of violet in its first collection of bijoux inspired by that flower the Duchess Maria Luigia was in love with, together with her timeless Eau de parfum Violetta di Parma Jewels' Joy. Last but not least, the brand new “Men Cameo collection”: cufflinks and bracelets with such a male cut decorated by a typical very italian cameos, declined in different colors and topics, enriched with contrasting or mixing enamels, it’s the “must have” for any elegant but modern young man.
Info & Contatti
Via Sebastiano Galeotti, 6 43038 Sala Baganza PR e-mail: [email protected] Telefono: 0521 141 2703